Brow lift & Forehead Lift

Would You Be a Good Candidate for a Brow Lift or Forehead Lift?

To see what a brow lift can do for your face, put your hands above your brows and outside the edges of your eyes and gently raise the skin upwards. Brow lifts are an option if you have a sagging brow or deep furrows between the eyes.
Different methods are used for the brow lift procedures. Incisions will vary from one patient to another, and will depend on the amount of tissue and the wrinkling.

The endoscopic brow lift: Several small (1 to 2 inch) incisions are placed just behind the hairline. Dr. Bourget will then proceed with an endoscopic camera to lift your eyebrows and at the same time tighten loose skin and remove the excess forehead wrinkling and remove drooping brows.

If you are having an endoscopic brow lift Dr. Bourget may give you some Botox injections to temporary paralyze the nerves between your eyes. This will stop you from frowning and will last approximately 6 months.


The initial consultation is very important, so that you may discuss with Dr. Bourget, the changes you would like. Facial rejuvenating is a very individualized procedure, therefore Dr. Bourget will explain to you the different types of surgeries, injections, laser resurfacing, and/or liposuction, the best method for you will be discussed at that time. The doctor will suggest the procedure that he feels would best conform with the look you want. Photos may be taken at this time. Medical conditions should be brought to the doctors attention at this time (high blood pressure, blood clotting problem’s, tendency to form excessive scars, etc.). Make sure you provide all information about medication on your questionnaire, including aspirin, vitamins and any natural products that you are taking. It is very important to advise the staff if you are a smoker.


  • The preparation for forehead and brow lifts may start a few months prior to surgery. Dr. Bourget may want to see you for a pre-op appointment 2 to 8 weeks before your actual surgery date.
  • Certain facial creams may be stopped a few days before surgery. No makeup should be worn the day of surgery. Your hair should be washed prior to surgery, and dried without any hair products.
  • The nursing staff may go over post-operative instructions and medications a few weeks before your surgery.
  • Medications may be altered at this time (if possible). Smoking should be stopped, ideally, 2 weeks prior to surgery; smoking inhibits blood flow to the skin, and may interfere with the healing of incisions.
  • It is advised that you purchase all necessities that will be needed during your recovery; such as medication, ice, ointment; prior to your surgery.


You will be asked to be at the clinic 30 minutes before surgery time. Upon arrival a nurse will prepare you for your surgery, help you to feel at ease. Your sedation will then be started. Surgeries usually take a few hours, but may take longer, depending on the complexity of the surgery.

After your surgery the nurses will go over all instructions with the person that will be accompanying you at home.

Don’t be surprised at the pale, bruised, and puffy face you see. This is normal and will last around 10 days.

There is usually no significant discomfort after surgery; pain medication will be prescribed by Dr. Bourget to diminish any discomfort you will have.

Cold or ice packs help to reduce swelling, bruising, and pain. Use frozen peas in the package or crush ice cubes and put the ice into a zip-lock bag. This should help not hurt. If the ice feels too uncomfortable, don’t use it as often. Ice 20 minutes per hour, when not asleep. (Stop icing if it gives you a headache). We recommend that you do NOT eat salty foods following surgery. This will only increase your swelling.

  • Your head will be bandaged after your surgery (and should not be removed).
  • Some numbness of the skin is quite normal; it will disappear in a few months.
  • The sutures or staples will be removed in a week to 10 days.
  • Hair may be thin for some time around surgical sites.

Pre-Operative Instructions

Carefully following these instructions, on the day of your procedure, will help your surgery go smoothly.
  • You should be fasting 6 hours prior; if you must take medication, drink as little water as possible.
  • No facial creams or makeup can be applied.
  • Your hair should be washed the day of surgery, do not apply any hair spray or other preparations.
  • Remove nail polish.
  • Bring in all current medications (that you are taking).
  • Leave all valuables and jewelry at home.
  • Wear loose fitting clothing.
  • It would be very beneficial to have someone stay with you for 24 hours after surgery.
  • Avoid using medication or food containing aspirin or aspirin like compound (see list).


  • It is recommended that you keep your head elevated and as still as possible for a couple of days after surgery, to keep the swelling down.
  • Continuously apply cold compress for 24 to 48 hours after your surgery.
  • Recovery time will vary, depending on your surgery, usually a period of 7 to 12 days will be needed.
  • Avoid driving an automobile for at least 24 to 48 hours after surgery.
  • Avoid strenuous activities, heavy housework for at least 2 weeks. Alcohol, steam baths and saunas should be avoided for several months.
  • Your first post-op appointment will be scheduled the day after surgery, and other follow-up appointments will be scheduled depending on your progress.
  • Do not apply makeup or facial creams until Dr. Bourget feels you are ready.
  • Dr. Bourget may suggest some skin care products.
  • Pre-Operative Care will help prepare the skin for surgical procedure, encourage spectacular results and prevent hyperpigmentation. Product use should commence an average of 6 weeks prior to surgical procedure.
  • Post-Operative Care will accelerate the healing process. After undergoing any operative procedure, there is no substitute for powerful post-operative care. Most importantly, preventing the dreaded formation of post-operative milia (acne).

Risks Involved

Forehead, Brow and Temple Lift surgery outcome are generally very positive. However, as with any surgery, complications may occur. Dr. Bourget will answer any questions you have about possible risks.
  • Although allergic reactions to medications or sutures are rare, they may occur. Any known allergies should be mentioned to Dr. Bourget prior to surgery.
  • There may be formation of a hematoma (blood clot).
  • Hyperpigmentation (skin discoloration).
  • Uneven eyebrows and scarring may occur.
  • Most patients experience some numbness following surgery. In the vast majority of patients, this is temporary but in a few cases, there may be permanent numbness and nerve damage. This should be discussed with Dr. Bourget.
  • Infection is a potential risk following any surgical procedure. If an infection does occur, it is usually treated with antibiotics. If fever, persistent swelling and pain or pus develop following surgery, contact Dr. Bourget.
  • Minor bleeding may occur after certain “open” surgical procedures, but this is easily controlled. In the rare event excessive or prolonged bleeding occurs after you return home, contact Dr. Bourget.
  • There may be poor healing, scarring, loss of tissue or relapse and rarely second surgeries may be necessary.
  • Hair loss some patients may experience hair loss or thinning around surgical sites.
  • Blindness although very, very rare, some cases of blindness have been reported, in literature, following eye surgery.
  • Dissatisfied results – the practice of medicine and surgery is not an exact science, no specific results, guarantees or assurances have been given to me by Dr. Bourget or his staff, as to the expectations or results that may be achieved.
It is normal for some patients to experience a brief period of “let-down” or depression after cosmetic surgery. Some may subconsciously have expected to feel and look better “instantly,” even though they rationally understand that this will not be the case. Patients commonly question their decision to have surgery during the first few days after surgery. As the healing occurs, these thoughts usually disappear quickly. If you feel depressed, understanding that this is as a “natural” phase of the healing process may help you to cope with this emotional state.